Yoga Abdominal Workouts for Getting a Six Pack

Yoga Abdominal Workouts for Getting a Six Pack

Folks looking for tighter abs without crunches would benefit from learning a few yoga techniques for abdominal exercises to get a flat stomach. Yoga combines gentle, comfortable positioning with deep breathing to increase oxygen to muscles for effective workouts.

There are other ways to get tight abs without crunches. Basically, abdominal exercises are part of weight training routines, karate, pilates, dancing, swimming and even swinging on the swings at the park. That’s right, swinging at the park. Plenty of six-year olds have rock hard abs.

Learn Yoga Abdominal Workouts to Get Tighter Abs Without Crunches

The advantage yoga has is that it’s peaceful, low impact and doesn’t require a bunch of fancy or expensive equipment. Learning yoga need not be expensive, as there are yoga videos available online that teach basic positions and ab exercises. Many communities have certified yoga teachers who have classes designed for all age levels and fitness levels. For tighter abs, look for a yoga fitness class that specializes in abdominal muscle exercise or weight loss. In addition to yoga classes and online videos, there are yoga books, magazines and DVDs available to teach yoga positions for a flat stomach.

Getting a Six Pack With Ab Exercises

A six pack is formed when there is very little body fat on the stomach and all four abdominal muscle groups are defined and toned. There are plenty of yoga exercise for flat abs, like the Uddiyana Bandha (oo-dee-YAH-nah BAHN-dah ). According to Yoga Journal, this pose, also called the Upward Abdominal Lock, aids digestion, relieves constipation and indigestion.

In Hatha Yoga, the Nauli is considered a difficult position, but effective for developing flat abs and reducing stomach fat. The positions are very similar and anyone looking to yoga for flat abs without crunches should learn yoga positions that have a reputation for reducing stomach fat and increasing abdominal muscle fitness.

Health Benefits of a Flat Stomach

The muscles that support the digestive system as well as the lungs and heart are part of the collective abdominal group. In addition to providing optimal blood flow to major organs, it’s noteworthy that when the digestive system is functioning properly, the body absorbs more nutrients from food sources, has less body fat and increased energy. Healthy and strong abdominal muscles can also mean less back pain.

For overall weight loss and a flatter stomach, yoga is beneficial in that it strengthens the body’s muscles without pain. Yoga teachers insist that if a position is painful, one should not attempt it. In yoga, focus on breathing, positive thinking and attention to the body’s signals of distress or discomfort is quite different when compared to exercise programs that say “no pain, no gain.”