Wordle Colors: What Does Yellow Mean In Wordle? Know Everything!


What Does Yellow Mean In Wordle?

Have you those Wordle yellow and green boxes? Maybe you have seen them in your friend’s home and wondered, What does yellow mean in wordle? Or some relative of yours posted something about them on their Instagram or Facebook. If you don’t 

know what they are, we are here to help you with that. We all learn new things every day. Read this article to learn more about Wordle.

In October 2021, a software engineer from New York, Josh Wardle, introduced Wordle. It gained popularity in very few months, and New York Times bought it. If you haven’t tried it out yet and want to know more about it, we are here to help you out. We will tell you What yellow mean in the Wordle and what green means. 

The letters in wordle are in color boxes that are grey, green, and yellow. Now you have to place another word. What colors do? It will let you know how far you are from your goal word. So it makes it more important to know what those colors are.

Meaning of colors in Wordle

What word that you have guessed will get the feedback of color on how far you are from it, and how much time will it take to solve the puzzle? To keep the importance of colors in mind, let’s explore them.

Meaning of colors writing down below:


Green Wordle Color Meaning
The green Color is the signal of correctness in Wordle.

Green is an indicator of the correct word. It will let you know that the letter you presented is the winning word.


The yellow Color indicates the partially wrong position in Wordle 

What does yellow mean in the Wordle? Yellow indicates the guess word, but the word that you are looking for is in a different column or position. If you want to find the correct word, you should look in another location and try to find it until you find the right word. 


The Grey Color indicates a completely wrong alphabet in Wordle

When you get to the grey color, it means that the guess word that you picked is not related to the winning word. You have to focus on guessing letters and walk on feedback given while playing the game.

To compete in the puzzle, you have three colors that will help you to identify how far you are from the secret winning word. If you are getting green color, then you are on the right track. Yellow identify that you are looking for this word with the same letter but in the wrong lane. Grey indicates the wrong word.

Way to turn the color blind mode on wordle

You can also turn on the color-blind mode on wordle. Now you will have no suggestions like the yellow and grey colors. 

How to turn on color blind mode-

  • Go to the homepage of wordle.
  • On the top right side of the home page, you will find the settings button.
  • You can turn on the color-blind mode from there.

Check Steps To Turn On The Wordle Color Blind Mode

Some FAQs

Q- What does yellow mean in wordle?

Ans. Yellow indicates the guess word, but the word that you are looking for is in a different column or position. If you want to find the correct word you should look in another location and try to find it until you find the right word.  

Q- How to turn on color blind mode?

Ans. Way to turn on color blind mode: 

• Go to the homepage of wordle. 

• On the top right side of the home page, you will find the settings button.

• You can turn on the color blind mode from there.


In October 2021, a software engineer from New York, Josh Wardle, introduced Wordle. The letters in wordle are in color boxes that are grey, green, and yellow. Green is an indicator of the correct word. It will let you know that the letter you presented is the winning word. Yellow indicates the guess word, but the word you are looking for is in a different column or position. When you get to the grey color, it means that the guess word that you picked is not related to the winning word.