What To Learn If You Failed To Receive Call Back After Interview (Part II)


What To Learn If You Failed To Receive Call Back After Interview (Part I)

Prepare to Be on Screen

Several companies these days opt for video-chat services like Skype initially before calling for office interview. Preparation of such is crucial and it is suggested to practice regularly in front of a mirror in such a location where you can avoid having unexpected visitors.

An expert says, “Wear real pants, just in case there’s a mirror behind you and you realize too late that the hiring people will see your waist-up-at-the-desk attire, as well as your waist-down sweatpants and bare feet that you thought were hidden.”

Be Inquisitive

It is good to ask questions to the interviewers too, but don’t ask about vacation time, perks and benefits. You can ask questions like what employee achievements are celebrated and also where do you see the company in five years.

Develop a Rapport

Even failure in one job interview can prove to be a good opportunity for another one. Also, you may be liked by the interviewer, but may not fit the requirement. In such case you may be referred to apply for another department.

What to Avoid

Don’t say that you have no weaknesses. Don’t even say you have great people skills as only results matter. Never use tepid language too. Be careful about excuses why you failed earlier and be honest to a fault.