Top 3 Preschool Apps For Kids


Many apps for launched specifically for preschool kids aged between 2-5 years. Combined apps contain more fields of learning: they teach the alphabet, the numbers, or even coloring and building games. And the emphasis is on the word ’game’. They are enjoyable thus children are willing to use them while it is also beneficial for their development. The best combined preschool apps are Preschool All-In-One, Preschool & Kindergarten and Basic Skills. Even though the names are not so creative but at least they help parents to find them easily when searching for educational games.

Preschool All-In-One

Preschool All-In-One offers various activities. Just to teach the alphabet or the numbers it provides 4-5 different games for each – games like memory, flashcards, or bubble game. Every children might not able to learn for example the letters with the same method thus it is good to have more possibilities to choose from and find the one that fits the best for the kids’ thinking.

Preschool All-In-One has educational games for teaching the alphabet, the numbers, the colors, the animals, and the days and months. Besides all these, it is also supplied with a coloring, a drawing and a puzzle game to improve visual thinking as well. For those children who need something more challenging, there is also a quiz available. All in all, the strength of this app is that it provides more different methods to gain knowledge and also has an appealing, cartoon-like graphics. But on the other hand, there is no leveling up or a process of getting harder and harder tasks and the topics it covers are bit narrow as well, so it can be used only in the very early phase of learning.

Preschool & Kindergarten

Preschool & Kindergarten on the other hand comes with a longer list of topics plus it goes further from teaching only the basics by containing more challenging games too. Here from learning the numbers or letters kids can reach to a higher level where they can also learn to solve some basic maths problems or to combine shapes and to spell words. Under the name of each game, it is indicated the recommended age group. The graphics is cute and engaging and the voice narrating is giving an extra help in the learning process. It’s such a pity that only 3 games out of the 12 can be used for free – the others need an upgrade.

Basic Skills

Basic Skills comes with what its name already suggests: letters, number, patterns, colors, teaching basic counting and matching skills and different games. Until this point, more or less the same as the previous ones. But what makes this app different is that it provides a framework for the learning process: a monkey travelling through different fields of skills in his train. Its smart rewarding system helps children keep motivated and get back to the game again and again: after every round the kids can change the design of the train and receive stickers. The only problem with the app is that in the free version only a very limited number of games are available.