Split Face Diving Incident: Video Revealed!

Split Face Diving Incident: Video Revealed! - Tech Preview

The 2009 Split Face Diving Incident was really terrible, unbelievable, and hard to imagine. We’re going to talk about what happened in this update – where it happened, what happened to the victims after that, and any new information we have.

The Split Face Diving Incident 2009

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Split Face Diving Incident

The Split Face Diving Incident is not fake; there’s a video that shows a scary 5-minute moment where a 16-year-old boy had a very dangerous accident while trying to do a diving stunt.

He got the idea from his older brother, but he forgot that just believing in yourself isn’t enough – you need experience too. Experience can’t be bought; you have to learn it. Sadly, the 16-year-old boy didn’t realize this, and he suffered a serious injury while trying to dive like his brother.

This accident didn’t happen recently; it was a year before 2010, around June. The video brings back painful memories and shows how much the boy suffered.

It’s been almost a decade since this incident (about 14 years ago), but people still remember it on social media and among fans.

How the Split Face Diving Incident Happened

Split Face Diving Incident- Tech Preview

Split Face Diving Incident

This story takes place near the Manara promenade in Beirut. In June 2009, which was 14 years ago, two brothers who lived in Beirut decided to go diving in the sea.

The older brother was a skilled diver with lots of experience. He went first and safely dived into the sea from a big rock that was about 40 feet high above the sea.

The younger brother, who might be around 30 years old in 2023, saw his brother’s successful dive and thought he could do the same. He stepped up and tried to dive in the same way.

Sadly, he slipped and hit the hard rocks before falling into the sea, and this accident caused his immediate death, as the video clearly shows.

The Video of the Split Face Diving Incident

This very upsetting and sorrowful video was posted on Reddit when the incident occurred. However, I wouldn’t recommend watching it because it contains very distressing content that might make you cry and feel emotional.

If you believe you can handle it and you have a strong heart, you can watch the video below:

What Happened After the Split Face Diving Incident 2009:

Even though the young boy got medical help quickly, his injury was very severe. He lost a lot of blood, and because of this, the 16-year-old boy passed away because of the wounds he got.

It’s been more than 14 years since this sad accident happened. We hope that the older brother can forgive himself because his actions inspired his younger brother to try the dive. Additionally, we wish the whole family can find a way to move forward from this terrible accident.

Is the Split Face Diving Incident Real or Fake

Many people are wondering if the Split Face Diving Accident is true or a hoax. Right now, we’re not entirely sure, but it’s really hard to fake something like this. We believe it’s real.

When we looked into it more, even the hospital records from that time said the young boy tried to end his own life, and the diving stunt was how he did it.

It’s awful and horrifying. The doctors had a tough time trying to put his face back together. His face literally split in two – that’s just too much to bear!

The Terrible Split Face Diving Incident Impact

Whether a face split diving accident is real or not, it doesn’t change the fact that if you’ve seen the video, you’d agree it’s a very traumatic thing. The effects of it won’t easily go away, especially for his family and loved ones.

The lesson here is that we should be really careful about what we do. When something is too dangerous, like acrobatics or risky stunts, it’s better to avoid them.


The split face diving accident video coming back on social media has made people interested and talking about it again. It’s really shocking and makes people wonder if it’s real or not. Even though we’re not sure if it’s real, it still scares and upsets people.

But no matter what, this scary incident reminds us of how dangerous diving accidents can be and the bad things that can happen because of them.

Read More: Split Face Diving Incident: Video Revealed!