New Report Reveals What Works In Menopause Hot Flashes Treatment


Menopause brings unpredictable changes in women’s bodies and hot flashes are the one that are tough to tolerate. In such situation hormone therapy does help, but for those who are seeking a non-hormonal relief remains disappointed. Here are few suggestions about which therapies will work and which will not.

The below are proven and it works:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Under the therapy women are taught how to reduce the stress response to be more tolerable to hot flashes. More stress is linked to worse symptoms.

Clinical Hypnosis

If believed to professor Maki from the psychiatry and psychology department at the University of Illinois, Chicago, large randomized trials of hypnosis are being conducted and it has been found women are complaining less about hot flashes with the treatment.

Peroxetine Salt

Low-dose paroxetine has been approved by FDA and it helps in reducing hot flashes frequency. However, Maki says the medication is good for those who are unable to take HRT, but it is not as effective as estrogen therapy.

Selective Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors

Some of the selective antidepressants are prescribed too in the treatment of hot flashes.


Though Gabapentinoids treat hot flashes, but it has side effects of making an individual feel drowsy. It is also used in treating fibromyalgia and leg syndrome.


This too is prescribed in treating hot flashes as well as night sweats. It is an anti-high-blood pressure medication.

The below are not proven to work:

Exercise, yoga, cooling techniques, paced respiration, trigger avoidance, relaxation, acupuncture, herbal therapies and over-the-counter supplements.