Low Level Hair Therapy (LLLT) – Everything Explained About This Hair Therapy


Laser Hair Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy is a new method in this field that provided huge results for hair management and thinning hair. This method is also called as phototherapy or photo-bio stimulation.

As part of growing innovation in technology, this method is considered revolutionary and it utilizes soft cool lasers to support thicker, healthier and fuller-looking hair. This therapy diminishes the visibility of thin hair and provides an outcome that is adored by many.


Talking about the origin of Low Level Laser Therapy, it was first originated for curing scalp diseases and hair loss treatment in Europe.

Since then, leading hair specialists have been using LLLT in Asia and Europe to enhance the appearance of hair and treat various hair related diseases.

LLLT uses the principle of Photo Biosimulation to improve the appearance of hair progressively. As part of the process, laser lights are used to travel into the scalp’s deep tissues which simulates protein synthesizes, cell metabolism and blood supply circulation. Many studies suggest that this activity prevents the DHT collection that helps in preventing loss of hair.

The results of using this method has been very positive and accommodative. The method seems to work on all age groups and all genders.

Today Laser Hair Therapy

The praise of this method is still going on and recent praise was in Dateline NBC and Time Magazine. LLLT used the principle of photo biotherapy according to which laser lights are used to travel into the scalp’s deep tissues which simulates protein synthesizes, cell metabolism and blood supply circulation.

Physicians today are praising this method of treatment all over the world. Unlike other methods, this method stood its ground over time and the main reason it is true is that it is based on a scientific principle.

Now one thing must be clear and that is scientific principles are universal laws which means they are applied everywhere and are pervasive in nature.

In the United States, Low-Level Laser Therapy has been passed for use as cosmetics by the Food and Drug Administration. This method is also now used globally for hair-related cases like any scalp disease and majorly for treating the hair loss issue that is prevailing all over the world.