Intel to launch 10-core Comet Lake CPUs in 2020

Intel to launch 10-core Comet Lake CPUs in 2020

Even though Intel has released its Comet Lake processors for tablets and laptops, but the company is not through with it. If believed to the latest leaks by Hong Kong-based website XFastest, a 10-core for CPUs for desktop computers could be rolled out by first quarter of 2020.

XFastest revealed three leaked slides and the source is said to be anonymous. One shows a new Intel 400 series chipset and the other an LGA 1200 socket. The third shows 10-core Comet Lake CPUs.

It seems the new CPU can support up to 10-core and 20-thread processors.

With the two leak slides of updated LGA 1200 socket and Intel 400 series chipset it means a new motherboard is required which are equipped with such specs.

Well, for upgradation it is suggested to wait for the release of Comet Lake-5 processors, but it is to note that will come with integrated support for 802.11 ax, which is the next-gen wireless support, the Wi-Fi6.

It will be exciting to see how the company’s Comet Lake-5 improves upon the predecessor. More to this, the true test for the upcoming Intel CPU will be the pricing part. As of now there is no information about it.

Whatever the prices end up, we will keep on updating on this site. Stay tuned.