How To Perform Excellent Facing Panel Of Job Interviewers


Undoubtedly one-on-one job interview is stressful, but it there are three to four in the panel questioning you randomly, just imagine how much worst nightmare it would be. Little preparation may ruin your performance. Below are some valuable suggestions how you can overcome such tough interview smoothly:

Remember that panel is used to get a wider perspective on you and the interviewers may ask same set of questions as other candidates defined by the company or they may decide on questions themselves. You need to be prepared to answer a mix of skill, technical and behavioral or situation questions.

Just know that everyone in panel wants to determine whether you are a fit candidate for the role in the company and so don’t have the feel of being outnumbered. It will scare you. Focus on shared goals.

Ask the HR contact ahead of time about the interviewers. If not, find their profile on LinkedIn or else on the official website of the company. You will get a better sense of them and the type of questions they may ask you.

Don’t get tempted to those in the panel who are reacting to you warmly. Focus attention on everyone equally in the room. Make eye contact with others too while answering one question of one interviewer.

Taking notes while being interviewed is a good idea to remember who said what, but please acknowledge this to them at the beginning.

Don’t forget to pay attention to your body language and wrap up on a good note.