Facebook Censors Vietnam War’s Nude Napalm Girl Photograph; Zuckerberg Faces Criticism


There’s difference between child pornography and documentary photographs, and this is something to be understood by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

The world’s most powerful editor deleted a post from Facebook that contained a historic image from Vietnam war as it contained nudity and critics believe in is a serious error in judgement.

The Pulitzer prize-winning image shows a 9-year-old Vietnamese girl Kim Phuc running down in a road in nude condition after being injured in a napalm bombing on her village on 8th June 1972. The photo was snapped by Associated Press photographer Nick Ut.

Thriller writer Tom Egeland updated his profile on Facebook with the photo and it was removed immediately by the social giant editor. Controversy started and Aftenposten newspaper too posted the picture on its Facebook page to find quickly been censored.

In response to the error censorship the newspaper published an open letter to Zuckerberg to protest the action. Norway Prime Minister Erna Solberg too joined the escalating protest saying such censorship restricts freedom of speech.

Solberg said, “I appreciate the work of Facebook and other media to stop pictures and content showing abuse and violence… But Facebook gets it wrong when it censors pictures like these. It contributes to restricting the freedom of speech.”

Facebook currently has 1.7 billion monthly users and is working on the regulation of content to ban on pornography posts, but the napalm girl image censorship has gained much criticism in Norway and other countries.

Facebook said it is difficult to create distinction between permitting image of a nude child in one instance and not others.