Explained- Is League Of Legends Cross Platform?


Is League Of Legends Cross Platform?

The most successful title of Riot games, League of Legends: Wild Rift, has its mobile version. The Mobile version is a free-to-play and modified version of League of Legends. With the success of both platforms, it is ready to break some records. But in League of Legends cross-platform, has that crossed your mind?

In all platforms, in the league of legends, you control your champion who is equipped with different abilities and battle styles. You play against your opponent or AI control units. The goal is the destroy the opponent’s “Nexus” if you destroy it first, you win. If your opponent destroys the Nexus first, they win.

Mobile x PC

We are here to answer the questions which you might be wondering, is the league of legends cross-platform? We are here to answer that question.

A question like, can I play with my friends who play on PC and I am on the phone? Can I buy in-game items on a PC and have access to it on my Phone? The answer is a sad, No.

  • It is a conscious decision that Riot games have taken. They took the competitiveness of the games seriously.
  • This decision is taken in light of the inequality that mobile gamers will face in the competitive environment of the game. This is not something that is not possible, Fortnite has done it, but developers are not taking any chances and want to create fare environment.
  • Gamers playing on PC will have advantages concerning the player playing on their mobile device. The game itself is designed for mobile players and not for PC players.
  • It is almost a new title, but an inspiration for the PC version and a few of its qualities.

We understand why the cross-platform is not available.

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Android x iOS

We have discussed the league of legends cross-platform, and the answer is No. We understand the reasons behind it too. But is it cross-play between Android and iOS devices? Yes, it is compatible with iOS and Android devices.

If you are on Android and your friends are on iOS, you can play together and progress in the game.

Console Cross-Play

The decision to bring a successful title of PC to Mobile is a very safe and successful idea. But we have no idea if Riot games will ever decide to bring cross-platform between PC and Mobile. No news of this kind has come out yet.

Though Riot games do express their mind, they might bring something available to both smartphones and PC, a multi-platform experience for everyone to enjoy. Now we have to see how they will bring down the unfair experience that mobile players might experience. How will they bring down the fear of mobile players?

Do you know the best cross-platform games? If not, watch this YouTube video:

People May Also Ask

Q- Is league of legends cross platform?

Ans. No, league of legends is not cross-platform; PC players cannot play the same title as mobile players. 

Q- Is cross-progression allowed in the game?

Ans. If you buy some in-game items from the store from League of Legends, will you be able to get access to play with that item on your phone? Can you play on your phone and then find the same progression on a PC? No. The mobile version is built from the ground up for Mobile only experience. 


Is league of legends cross platform? No. League of legends: wild rift is made for mobile experience only. You cannot play the same game with your friends on PC if you are playing it on mobile. But if you are playing on Android, you can play with your friends on iOS. There are some talks about bringing a game that will give a cross-platform experience and we have to see how developers will handle it.

KEEP READING: Explained- Is League Of Legends Cross Platform?