Elden Ring: Dragon Heart + Dragon Communion Altar Location!

Dragon Communion Altar Location!

Dragon communion altar

Dragon heart is an item that can be exchanged as an Incantation that is Dragon-based and you can do it at the Church of Dragon communion altar.

Elden Ring rewards players who dare to seek secrets by going off the directions of their usual paths. The guidance of grace will guide you towards Stormveilkeep, a massive island await you, if you care enough to look for it. 

You can reach the Island with different methods. Island itself is breathtaking and it seeks to offer more than its plant and animal life. On top of the hill on the island, you will find a place of offering and the church of Dragon communion altar. You will have to defeat a boss and complete the dungeon then you can exchange your Dragon heart for Incantations. 

Dragon Hearts

To get Dragon hearts, you have to defeat some bosses in Elden Ring. After defeating Flying Dragon Abheel in Limgravewill receive one Dragon heart. To locate the boss, go towards Lost Grace to the right of the value. Now you will have a choice to pick one of three Incantations that will be added to your battle repertoire and this is possible after you go to the church of Dragon communion alter with Dragon’s heart. 

When you have Dragonfireas an Incantation, you will have access to flame breath that you can channel around a large area. To defeat your enemies, use Dragonclaw, you have massive Dragon claws. You can also use Dragonmaw, it is a bite attack. To use these Incantations, you require to have a high level of Arcane attributes and faith. They require a different- different amount of FP. 

Church Location

On the island, on the beach, you should be looking for a dark cave, just below the lost grace. You will able to find it near the party-damaged merchant and Ruin. 

Demi-Human Chief

You have to move towards the end of the zone to find the boss, Two Demi-human chiefs. We suggest you carry a torch with you because of the darkness inside the cave. 

When you finally defeat the bosses and get Tailoring tools, a light will appear, and it will take you to the surface. Don’t interact with it and go towards the little cavern you will find in the back. You will face many demi-human and you will find a light and move forward. After you will go out of the cave and you will find Limgrave cliffs across the sea. The location of church of Dragon communion is there on top of a big hill. 

Some Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q- Where is the Dragon communion altar? 

Ans. Dragon communion alter is located in Limgrave and there is only one way to reach the place, go through underground lanes of the coastal cave. 

Q- How to get to the dragon communion altar?


  • On the island, on the beach, you should be looking for a dark cave. You have to move towards the end of the zone to find the boss. 
  • When you finally defeat the bosses and get Tailoring tools, a light will appear, and it will take you to the surface. Don’t interact with it and go towards the little cavern you will find in the back. 
  • After you will go out of the cave and you will find Limgrave cliffs across the sea. The location of the church of Dragon communion altar is there on top of the big hill. 


Dragon heart is an item which can exchange for Incantations. For that, you need to go to the Dragon communion alter. We have mentioned the ways to reach dragon communion alter above. You can exchange dragon hearts in dragon communion alter. I hope this information has come to your use.