Can You See Who Views Your Facebook Profile, Story, Videos, and Page?

can you see who views your facebook
Image Credits: Getty Images

Facebook is undoubtedly the most commonly used social media website in the world. Users naturally wonder, can you see who views your Facebook. Nowadays, some other social media websites and platforms are gaining popularity along with Facebook.

But back in the day, it was the only name that popped in people’s minds when they heard the word social media. Due to the immense popularity of Facebook, almost everyone has an account on Facebook.

It is a great way to connect with your friends and also make new friends. However, due to the presence of so much information about you on your Facebook account, it is important to understand the privacy standards followed by Facebook.

There are many people who would like to see who viewed their Facebook profile, videos, page, and story. Facebook is not really efficient in letting people know this information. But yes, there are some ways to see who is viewed your profile on Facebook.

Facebook has been continuously battling the problem of Facebook stalkers. A Facebook stalker is a person who uses a fake ID and sends a friend request to multiple people by posing as someone else and getting information about those people.

Facebook stalkers can have illegal motives as well. It is important to stay safe by being aware of the people that are seeing your profile and blocking everyone else.

Today, we will try to answer some of the most burning questions that you may have including how to see who viewed your Facebook? and can you see who views your Facebook story? Some of these methods are official while others are unofficial, so let’s check all of them out.

How to see who viewed your Facebook?

There are some very easy ways to figure out who is stalking your Facebook account, some of them are as follows.

Facebook profile source code

In order to watch who viewed your Facebook, you can use the method of ‘InitialChatFriendsList‘. 

In order to use this method, it is recommended to use Google Chrome as it will work in the best way possible only on this browser, other browsers may not be up to the mark. In order to use this method, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Go ahead and log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Go to your profile page
  3. Right-click on that page and select “view page source” or click Ctrl+U on your keyboard to access the view page source option.
  4. Open the search bar by pressing Ctrl+F on your keyboard.
  5. Now search ‘InitialChatFriendsList’
  6. After you are taken to your search results, you will see a number of profile IDs, now these guys are the ones that view your Facebook account the most.
  7. In order to see the actual person to which these ids belong, you need to copy the Ids and paste them in the browser in the following format.

Using flatbook extension

It is yet another method to see who viewed your Facebook account using Google Chrome. If you are not satisfied with the method provided above and are looking for a more easy and consistent way to see who is stalking you on Facebook then this is the right method for you.

You just need to download and install the extension on your Chrome browser and let it do the magic. To simplify, these are the steps that you need to follow.

  1. In your Google Chrome browser, you need to open the Chrome Web Store and download the flatbook extension.
  2. After downloading and installation of the extension, you need to login to your Facebook account.
  3. After logging in you need to visit your profile and click on the extension icon.
  4. There you will be able to see the list of people who are viewing your Facebook account frequently.
  5. You will also be able to see who has unfriended you in the recent past. If you are not satisfied with even this method, don’t worry we have another one for you.

Super viewer for Facebook

This is yet another extension that you can install only on Google Chrome. It’s funny how Google Chrome is the only browser that allows you to do all of these things.

Moreover, you need to visit Google Chrome Web Store and download super viewer for Facebook extension on your setup.

The rest of the steps are completely identical to the above-mentioned method.

If your curiosity is not yet satisfied there is one last method by which you can see who viewed your Facebook.

Who viewed my Facebook for iOS?

It is general knowledge that iOS users don’t enjoy as many additional features and options as some of the Android users. But in this regard, you can use this method on your iOS to see who views your Facebook frequently.

Moreover, the only reason why this is even possible for iOS devices is because Apple has linked up with Facebook itself to provide its users with this particular option. In order to use this feature, you will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook app
  2. Browse to the menu on the app
  3. Scroll down until you see the settings and privacy option
  4. There you will discover a new option called privacy shortcuts
  5. Out of the list of various privacy shortcuts given it to find the option who viewed my profile and that it.

As easy and convenient as it may sound it is important to keep in mind that this feature is only a test feature and has not been rolled out to each and every iOS device out there.

Moreover, Facebook completed denies that any such feature is on their mind, but we do know that it was tested and we are hoping that it will launch for all the iOS users in the world.

Is it possible to see who views your Facebook profile?

According to Facebook, there is no such working way using which you can see who viewed your Facebook profile.

They also claim that all the methods and tricks available on the Internet that claim to help you do that, are not safe and are a risk to your safety and privacy.

It is quite funny because Facebook is a company that stores all the information of its users with themselves and isn’t willing to share them with the user themselves.

Regardless of the Facebook policies and guidelines, the people of frequently wonder, can you see who views your Facebook? and because of this demand, there have been several third-party software that allows you to do so.

Facebook even guides the users to report to them any such third-party app claimed to do so because it is most likely that Facebook privacy policy is breached and the data could be sold for illegal purposes.

Facebook also has been continuously working to enhance the security and privacy of the users. These controls are even more strict now due to some of the recent lawsuits against Facebook for breach of privacy and trust.

There is one drawback of all of these methods mentioned above, to get the profile ID of the person who is viewing your Facebook will not be able to see any of the other information that they have on their account if they have changed their privacy settings to personal or only friends.

You will not able to see their key information like birthdate, location, age, religious views relationship status, and any such information provided by the user.

Another problem that Facebook is facing in the current scenario is of Facebook stalkers and fake IDs. Creating a fake ID on Facebook is the easiest task that you will encounter.

All you need to do is put in any random name and photo to act like someone else on this platform. Most fake IDs are created to stalk on people.

People that can create fake IDs in order to stalk you on Facebook could include:

  • Enemies
  • your ex
  • parents, who are looking to keep track of your Facebook activities.
  • Staff or Boss of a company where you are about to start working.
  • Relatives, that are blocked by you from their main profiles.
  • Others, who just really want to access your Facebook activities even if you do not want them to.

None of these activities are justified and must be completely avoided as much as possible.

Even if Facebook does not allow you to do so officially, we can understand why people would consider it important as to know who are the people that are viewing their Facebook Page, Facebook Story or profile in order to prevent any suspicious person from continuing these actions and block those that they do not trust.

Can you see who views your Facebook story?

This question would not have arisen in the previous year because the story feature was only available on Instagram and Snapchat. Facebook recently incorporated this feature.

Users are now able to post their stories that can include videos, photos, and text. These stories are available for people to view for the next 24 hours.

Although this completely depends on a user who is allowed to view their story, after posting a user can easily see who is viewing or has viewed their Facebook story.


As a summary, we can say that Facebook does not allow its users to see who viewed their Facebook. However, there are certain methods that you can personally use to see who viewed your Facebook. These methods are obviously not official.

Facebook strongly condemns any search tricks or methods that claim to provide these services. Moreover, some of these third-party apps who claim to provide the services and ask for your password are nothing but frauds and shams.

If you are still convinced to know how to see who viewed your Facebook then we have mentioned four of the safest ways through which you can do the same. 

You will need to think all of this through and make this particular decision only regarding your Facebook Page and profile. In regards to your Facebook story, it is really easy to see who views your Facebook story.

After you have set up who is allowed to see your Facebook story and posted a story, you can easily swipe up on your story and see who has viewed your story in the last 24 hours.