Over 50k watch Andrew Tate sleep in jail on stream

Over 50k watch Andrew Tate sleep in jail on stream - Tech Preview

Andrew Tate is showing a video where he pretends to be in jail. More than 50,000 people are watching it.

Andrew Tate, who is known for causing arguments online, has chosen to show himself on a live video from a pretend jail cell for a whole day. He wants to act like he’s in real jail.

Watch the stream here

Last year, in Romania, Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan, along with two others, were held by authorities because they were thought to be part of a bad group and were accused of doing bad things like rape and taking people illegally.

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As the story went on, on August 4, 2023, it was said on TV all around the world that he and his brother were allowed to leave their homes, even though they still say they didn’t do anything wrong.

Because of this, Andrew decided to do something attention-grabbing again. He told everyone about his new plan on Twitter. He said he and his brother will act like they’re in a jail cell and show it live for 24 hours on August 12.

Andrew Tate then started the live video on a website called Rumble. Lots of people, more than 50,000, watched it.

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Tate wants to show what they went through in the video. He wants people to try not to use electronics like he did.

In the video, Tate and his brother seem quieter than usual. They don’t talk much.

In the video, you can see them doing simple things like walking around the room, exercising, and sleeping.

Another way the video went involved the two talking about the bad things they were accused of and pretending to talk to fake prison guards and other fake prisoners who yelled at them.

The 24-hour “Live from Jail” video by Andrew Tate had different opinions from people

Since they said they would do it and started showing it, a lot of people have been talking about it on social media and posting their thoughts.

Some people didn’t like their pretend video because they said it doesn’t really show what they said they went through. One person said, “I thought they had to sleep on the ground with rats in a dark place, but this looks better than my own room.”

Some people said the fake jail experience is not like a real one because they know they will leave after 24 hours.

Lots of people using the live chat on the video asked, “Why is he in jail?” which made many people not understand what was happening.

Another person who often makes big news is Elon Musk. He said he will have a fight with Mark Zuckerberg in Italy.