All You Need To Know: Shiny Slugma In Pokemon Go!

Shiny Slugma In Pokemon Go

Shiny Slugma In Pokemon Go!

Pokémon Go was released in 2016 by developers of Niantic and also published by them. It was released on Nintendo, iOS, and Android devices. It is an (AR) augmented reality mobile game.

The game will use your GPS and it will locate, train, capture, and battle virtual creature. They will appear in the real-world area through your camera when the application is open.

Pokémon Go is a free-to-play game. The game earns money through in-game items. When the game was launched it has 150 types of Pokémon and with updates, new Pokémon has been added, in 2021 Pokémon’s number was around 700.

There will be an hour-long event at the end of the first month of the season Of legends of Pokémon Go. It will give spotlight hours to the Johto region. The fiery Shiny slugma in pokémon go has been honoured in this event.

Who is Slugma?

Shiny slugma in pokémon go is a Fire-type Pokémon. It has different weaknesses that you can take advantage of it to catch like Rock, ground, and water type Pokémon. With the help of 50 candies, you can evolve Slugma into Magcargo.

Date and time of the Shiny Slugma in pokémon Go Spotlight Hour

The event will start around 6:00 PM, according to your local time, on the 30th of March. The event will end around 7:00 PM, according to your local time, on 30th March.

Every month on the second Tuesday, as many players have come to expect, Pokemon Go honors a different character for an hour. The map will be overrun with pokemon for sixty minutes due to increased spawn rates!

For the trainers, there is good news, you can earn a 2x candy bonus because the spotlight event is incorporated with the weekly bonus hour. Every Pokémon you catch will provide you with 2x candy and it will be worth your time. 

With more slugmas on the sight, you will able to catch more pokémon and it will allow your Magcargo to evolve faster.

Tips for Shiny slugma in Pokémon Go

How to find shiny Slugma is a Pokémon with a sickly graybody and it will stand out among other Pokémon.

  • Johto Celebration

The event increases the chances of a Shiny Slugma spawning in the wild for the player. You have to search for it and if you are lucky, you can get more of them.

  • Incense

The technique itself is not something that will give you a 100% guarantee of finding Shiny Slugma but it will increase your chances of finding one.

  • SlugmaNest

To find Slugma nest, you need to look around the Beaches and parks. To increase the chances to find shiny Slugma you need dry/arid weather or warmer weather.

  • SliphRoad

The use of Slips Road will narrow down the nest and your search for Slugma.

Some Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

What is the date and time for Slugma Spotlight hour?

The event will start around 6:00 PM according to your local time, on the 30th of March. The event will end around 7:00 PM according to your local time, on 30th March.

How to increase the chance of catching Shiny Slugma in pokémon go?

Shiny Slugma is a Pokémon with a sickly grey body and it will stand out among other Pokémon. The event increases the chances of a Shiny Slugma spawning in the wild for the player. You have to search for it and if you are lucky, you can get more of them. To find Slugma nest you need to look around the Beaches and parks. To increase the chances to find shiny Slugma you need dry/arid weather or warmer weather.


Shiny slugma in pokémon go Spotlight hour, this event will give you chance to capture shiny Slugma and the event will be integrated with a weekly bonus. You can follow the above steps to find shiny Slugma in pokémon go.

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