Big Tech Platforms Are Combating Against The Misinformation and Fraud About The Coronavirus


The big tech giants of the US have decided to work towards combating the misinformation that flew on social media. These companies say we are coming together to keep people safe from fraud and misleading information. These big tech companies include Google, Reddit, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. All these tech companies sent a joined consent on a Monday evening towards the effort regarding Coronavirus. 

The Joint consent consists of the statements, “We are working closely together on COVID-19 response efforts. We’re helping millions of people stay connected while also jointly combating fraud and misinformation about the virus, elevating authoritative content on our platforms, and sharing critical updates in coordination with government healthcare agencies around the world.” It further included, “ We invite other companies to join us as we work to keep our communities healthy and safe.”

Right now it is not clear that what is the joint effort involved and works, and even not all the participating companies’ names are revealed, and they did not say anything about how they are what they are going to commit and how their efforts are going to lower the risk of misleading information. 

As the COVID-19 related wrong information is flourishing over the internet since the outbreak from last December, some significant steps are taken by these companies. The tech companies are making substantial steps and are proactive in finding and remove any misleading information over their platforms. They are working towards taking down the hoaxes on corona frauds and abuses like fake cures, price gouging, and misinformation.