Easily Mark Text or Image as a Spoiler on Discord: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

Mark Text or Image as a Spoiler on Discord

If you are a novice like me, getting the hang of all the features Discord recommendations might first seem tough. One of the most useful tools is the spoiler tag feature, which lets you hide text or images to stop spoiling surprises, whether it is a movie ending, a game twist, or even a surprise event in your community.

In this article, I will break down everything you need to know about marking text or images as a spoiler on Discord, step by step.

Whether you are a total beginner or need a refresher, this article will act as your one-stop solution to understanding spoiler tags.

What Are Spoiler Tags on Discord?

First things first, what are spoiler tags?

A spoiler tag is a feature on Discord that allows you hide text or images. This content remains hidden until someone clicks or taps on it to disclose the information. Spoiler tags are very helpful when you are talking about things like:

  • Movie or game spoilers
  • Private information
  • Sensitive information

Why Use Spoiler Tags?

  • To avoid spoiling surprises.
  • To hide personal or sensitive details.
  • To keep group conversations fun and respectful by allowing people choose when to disclose specific information.

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How to Mark Text as a Spoiler on Discord (Desktop)

Using spoiler tags for text is easy once you know the steps. If you are on your computer or laptop, follow the given instructions:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Open Discord on Your PC or Mac:
    Start by opening the Discord app or logging in through a browser like Chrome or Firefox.
  • Go to the Chat or Server:
    Navigate to any chat channel or direct message (DM) where you want to hide certain information.
  • Start Typing Your Message:
    Type the message you want to send, but do not hit send just yet.
  • Mark Part of the Text as Spoiler:
    Highlight the part of the message you want to hide. Right-click on the highlighted text and select Mark as Spoiler from the menu. The text will be with two vertical bars like this: ||your text||.
    You can also use the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + Shift + S (Windows) or CMD + Shift + S (Mac) after highlighting the text.
  • Send the Message:
    Now, cllick enter or click send. The part of the text between the vertical bars will appear hidden with a spoiler cover, and other users will need to click on it to disclose.


Typing ||This is a spoiler!|| will see:
||This is a spoiler!||
This allows others to decide if they want to see it.

How to Mark Text as a Spoiler on Discord (Mobile)

You can also mark text as a spoiler using Discord’s mobile app, and the process is just as simple.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Open the Discord App:
    Start the Discord app on your iPhone or Android device.
  • Go to the Chat or Channel:
    Go to any conversation where you want to send your message.
  • Type Your Message:
    Write the message as you usually would.
  • Mark Text as a Spoiler:
    Tap and hold the part of the message you want to hide. A menu will pop up, and you will see the option Mark as Spoiler. Select that, and the text will automatically get wrapped in ||vertical bars||.
  • Send the Message:
    Once you send the message, the marked text will be hidden, and people will need to click on it to reveal.

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How to Mark an Image as a Spoiler on Discord (Desktop)

Discord also lets you to mark images as spoilers, which is a great way to hide visual content that others may not be ready to see. Whether you are sharing a meme with a plot spoiler or a surprise photo, it’s easy to hide these.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Open Discord:
    Open the app on your desktop or through your browser.
  • Choose a Chat or Server:
    Go to the server channel or direct message where you want to upload the image.
  • Select the Image:
    Click the + button (next to the message bar), and select the image you want to upload from your computer.
  • Mark the Image as a Spoiler:
    After selecting the image, a preview will pop up. Before hitting send, check the box that says “Mark as spoiler”. This option is usually at the bottom of the preview window.
  • Send the Image:
    The image will be sent with a blurred spoiler tag. Others will need to click on the image to view it.

How to Mark an Image as a Spoiler on Discord (Mobile)

To mark an image as a spoiler on the mobile app is a bit difficult, but not impossible:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Open Discord on Mobile:
    Open the Discord app on your phone.
  • Go to the Channel or DM:
    Go to the chat where you want to send the image.
  • Tap on the Upload Icon:
    Tap the + button (next to the message bar) and choose the image from your photo gallery.
  • Rename the File:
    Here is where mobile is somewhat different: you will need to manually rename the image file to start with “SPOILER_”. For example, change the file name to SPOILER_meme.jpg. This tells Discord to consider it as a spoiler image.
  • Send the Image:
    Now, send the renamed image, and it will appear blurred with a spoiler tag.

Using Slash Commands for Spoilers

There is another fast way to mark text as a spoiler: using the /spoiler slash command.

How to Use Slash Commands for Spoilers:

  • Type /spoiler in the chat bar, which is near your message.
    Example: /spoiler Here’s a hidden message.
  • Send the Message:
    Discord will automatically mark the message as a spoiler without needing to highlight anything. The text will appear hidden behind a spoiler tag.

People May Ask

Can I Use Spoiler Tags on All Discord Channels?

Yes, Spoiler tags work in both direct messages (DMs) and server channels, no matter the size of the server or the type of conversation.

Can I Spoiler Part of a Message, or Does It Have to Be the Whole Thing?

Yes, you can mark just part of your message as a spoiler. Simply highlight the part you want to hide and mark it as a spoiler, leaving the rest of your message visible.

Is It Possible to Mark Links as Spoilers?

You can manually mark URLs as spoilers by placing the link between vertical bars, like so:
However, the link itself will still be clickable, even though the preview and text will be hidden.

Can You Spoiler Tags on Discord Bots?

Most Discord bots will respect spoiler tags when showing your text. However, you should always check if the specific bot you are using supports this feature.

How Can I See a Spoiler Tag Without Clicking?

There is no method to view a spoiler tag unless you click or tap on it. This ensures that everyone has the option to avoid seeing the hidden content until they are ready.


That is all you need to know about marking text or images as spoilers on Discord. I hope you understand it and can now perform what you were not able to do before. Whether you are using the desktop app or the mobile version, the steps are simple once you get used to them. This feature is a great way to keep your chats spoiler-free, respectful, and fun for everyone involved.

Now that you have got this feature down, you can start using it to enhance your conversations. Also, your blog readers will thank you for this one-stop guide to Discord spoilers, mainly if they are just getting started like you.

To know more in detail, click here.