How to get a receipt of your most played Spotify tracks

How to get a receipt of your most played Spotify tracks

Lately, a trend on social media is people showing off lists of their favorite Spotify songs. They’re fun to look at! We’ll guide you on creating your own list with a tool called Receiptify.


To generate a receipt of your top tracks on Spotify, you’ll need to utilize a third-party website. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Visit to
  • Choose the option to Log in with Spotify.
  • Provide your Spotify login details.
  • Click on the AGREE button to grant Receiptify permission to connect with your Spotify data.
  • Once logged in, select your preferences for the receipt.
  • The site will then generate a visual receipt of your most frequently played songs.
  • To save this receipt, click on Download Image

How to get a receipt of your most played Spotify tracks

To obtain a receipt of your most-played Spotify tracks, you can use the Receiptify service. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Open your web browser and go to
  • Click on Log in with Spotify.
  • Enter your Spotify account credentials and log in.
  • You’ll need to grant permission for Receiptify to access your Spotify account data. If you’re comfortable with this, click the AGREE button.
  • Once logged in, you can choose what you want your receipt to display, such as Top TracksTop ArtistsTop GenresStats, or Search Albums.
  • Select the time period for which you want to generate the receipt: Last MonthLast 6 Months, or All Time.
  • Decide whether you want to show the Top 10 or Top 50 tracks.
  • The website will then create your personalized Spotify receipt.
  • Click on Download Image to save your Spotify receipt.

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People May Ask

What is a Spotify receipt? 

A Spotify receipt is like a fun snapshot of your music listening habits. It shows your most played songs, kind of like a shopping receipt shows what you bought.

How do I make a Spotify receipt?

  • Go to
  • Click Log in with Spotify and sign in.
  • Say yes to let Receiptify use your Spotify info.
  • Pick the time frame and number of songs to show.
  • The website makes your receipt.
  • Press Download Image to save it.

Is making a Spotify receipt free? 

Yes, it’s free! The Receiptify website is supported by ads, so you don’t have to pay anything.

Will Receiptify keep my Spotify data? 

No, the creator says they don’t keep, collect, or share your data.

Can I stop Receiptify from using my Spotify data later? 

Yes, Just go to your Spotify settings, find ‘Manage Apps’, and remove access for Receiptify.

Who made Receiptify? 

Receiptify was made by Michelle Liu, a student at Carnegie Mellon.

Does Receiptify work with other music services? 

Yes, it also works with and Apple Music.