Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot - Tech Preview

Instagram Stories are a cool way to share memes and see what your friends are up to. But what if you want to keep something to look at later? Does Instagram notify when you screenshot their stories and posts? and also about how to know if someone screenshots your Instagram story?

Stories disappear after a while, so they’re meant for fun sharing. But it’s still important to be polite. Just use good manners on social media to prevent any problems. You can save Stories without causing any issues if you do it respectfully.

Can you know if someone screenshot Instagram story

Nope, right now Instagram doesn’t tell you if someone screenshot Instagram story. And they can’t tell if you took a picture of theirs either.

But, there are some special things on Instagram that work differently. Like if you try to take a picture of something sent in Vanish Mode, the other person will find out. So, it’s smart to be cautious about what you take pictures of on the app.

In the past, Instagram briefly tried a feature that let people see who took pictures of their stories in 2018. But we’re not sure if they’re planning to bring it back in the future.

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot

No, Instagram doesn’t tell you if someone screenshot Instagram story. But this is different for Instagram messages.

If someone sends you a picture or video that disappears in your messages and you take a screenshot of it, the person who sent it will find out. But this rule only works for disappearing things in Instagram messages. If someone screenshot Instagram story, post, or reel, no one gets a notification.

So, now you know all about how to know if someone screenshots your Instagram story.

Read More: Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot