Cord Blood Banking Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction



Blood donation is considered a holy process as it helps millions of people regain a new life. The need for blood in our society is huge, and no one can deny the fact related to it. In this modern world, we can grab more opportunities in the medical world than before. Nowadays, problems related to human health are huge compared to previous decades. However, that does not mean people are not living fine.

Amidst all problems, there is always a solution to it. Technology and innovation in medication come with a plethora of bonus points. Now we can assure you a better resolution to come up with the instances of education and prosperity. When you know more, there are more chances of finding the actual solution. Well, here, our main focus will be on cord blood banking because it’s rare. When something unique comes into the market, people do not want to allow it to enter their minds quickly. However, myths are mainly responsible for the slow progress of any new project.

If you do not know what cord blood banking is, then you are far away from the truth, probably bound by myths. Well, we don’t want this to go on for long. In fact, considering life-saving opportunities with cord blood banking will go out of your hands if not nurtured right now.

Crucial Cord Blood Banking Myths

There are many cord blood banking myths surrounding our society, and not everyone is even aware of the real process. Before we start digging into the myths, it’s better to know what cord blood banking is!

After the birth of a child, the stem cells are collected from the placenta of the mother, which first remains attached to the umbilical cord of the child. Before the doctors cut down the cord, the cord blood is collected from the cord blood bankers and taken into the inventory to store it for at least 15 years. Now that you know the process, it’s time to debunk some myths surrounding the cord blood banking process. 

Good To Store Not More Than 18 Years

Most of the people who know about cord blood banking are clear about the fact that they can store it for 15-18 years maximum. Well, this is not true at all. 

There is no time limit, but cord blood holders use it to ensure that their babies become adults at 18 years. Now, if your daughter or son does not need genetic disorders treatment, then you can store it for infinite times.

If stored properly, there is no limit of time. 

Cord Blood Can Only Be Used For Your Baby

Cord blood banking is not for your baby, but it can be used for other people. Especially when your family members need special treatment regarding hematopoietic or genetic issues, they need your baby’s cord blood. 

Storing cord blood is the only solution to save their lives. However, the lack of understanding regarding the usage may not help your family be safe. Proper usage comes not just with your baby, but if you become a donor, it would help many. 

We Have To Go To The Banks For Storage

This is one of the biggest myths which refrains people from considering cord blood banking. While you are expecting a baby, there is a load on you, and during the hospital day, your mind does not work properly. 

In such a situation, no one can take the risk of taking the new bond baby and mother or the blood to the banks. This is impossible!

However, a pepper cord blood bank won’t ask you to come to their place, but they will come to the hospital to collect it. 

It’s Easy To Find Donors Than Banking Cord Blood

People think that they will find donors if cord blood really works. However, this money-saving approach will probably not work for you. Nearly 70% of the donors fail to meet the criteria of the patient, and here comes the problem.

Storing your baby’s own cord blood increases the chances of matching the criteria in future. 

All Cord Blood Banks Are The Same

This is the biggest myth of the decade! There are two separate forms of cord blood banking available in the market. 

  • Private cord blood banking.
  • Public cord blood banking.

Private cord blood banking works as a health investment for you. There is a guarantee to get the cord blood in future whenever you need it. 

In contrast, public cord blood banks work as donors. You can store your baby’s cord blood at will, but there is no surety to get it in need in future. It works in emergencies and provides for patients who need it.