Succession: The Meaning Behind Doderick Macht Frei

Meaning Behind Doderick Macht Frei - Tech Preview

In Season 4, Episode of Succession, Lukas Matsson posts a tweet containing the phrase “Doderick Macht Frei.” The question arises: What is the precise meaning of this phrase? 

In our reviews, we expressed that the most recent episode of Succession features exceptionally excellent character development. While some viewers might long for the faster pace of earlier episodes, it is not avoidable that hte performance by the cast has reached a new peak of excellence.

Following the groundbreaking proposal of Matsson in the previous episode, Roman and Kendall seek an alternative method to sabotage the deal. They consider Living+ a technology-driven real estate venture akin to an advanced retirement facility. The plan is to boost Waystar’s worth which makes it unaffordable for the Swedish rival to proceed with the deal.

Despite his strong disapproval, he attempts to persuade Shiv to intervene and halt the product launch. However, Kendall decides to proceed with the launch, leading him to post the enigmatic tweet “Doderick Macht Frei.” However, the meaning behind this tweet remains a mystery.

Decoding “Doderick Macht Frei” in Succession

The phrase “Doderick Macht Frei” draws inspiration from “Arbeit Macht Frei,” a slogan shown at the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps, signifying “Work sets one free.” In this context, Doderick serves as one of Waystar’s mascots. Therefore, the tweet conveys the message “Doderick sets one free” or Doderick makes one free.”

Can we discuss the line “Doderick macht frei”?
by u/formfiler in SuccessionTV

The moment Hugo spots Matsson’s tweet, he begins to mutter in frustration, expressing his dismay with expletives. Everyone present immediately recognizes it as a Holocaust joke. It does not take much time before Kendall is confronted by the press in the audience during his presentation.

So, why would he draw a comparison between Living+ concentration camps? In a previous part of the episode, he likens the concept to the shitty, heartbreaking experience of being confined on one of the cruises of Waystart but emphasises that in Living+.

People remain in the same location throughout. Even Roman and Kendall describe it as “depressing” and liken it to “warehouse the elderly and exploiting them with content while draining them financially.”

In the pilot episode succession in 2018, Doderick made an appearance when Greg briefly at a Waystar theme park, dressed up as the character.

According to his writing, it appears that he did not intend it as mockery or a literal promise of eventual release for those who worked without any tiredness. Instead, it was more of a mystical declaration, suggesting that the act of self-sacrifice through ceaseless labour could lead to a form of spiritual liberation.

Read More: Succession: The Meaning Behind Doderick Macht Frei