Why To Visit San Antonio, Texas


For people who are interested about learning about the past and enjoying what the present offers; San Antonio, Texas is the place to be. Texas can trace its foundation as a state to this town. Whether you choose to be adventurous and do the exploring on your own or go for a guided tour there will always be things to experience and enjoy. If you are fond of watching movies, the big screen has produce movies that takes advantage of the retelling about the famous Battle of Alamo where the defenders of that time took a chance to fight so that Texas can be free and independent as a state of America. Just this February 2011, the 175th the battle of Alamo celebration took place where it was met with much fanfare by locals as well as tourists alike.

The River Walk is one of the famous sites for tourist to visit, where the natives live and work. It is where people from different cultures meet to admire the art scene. San Antonio, Texas can be considered as one of the top cities that promote art. Whether you would like to see art galleries and little shops, it is so fun to explore the world of possibilities that you can find in San Antonio. If you are dabbling into art you would be glad to know that San Antonio is ardent in its desire to promote art education to the community and the rest of the world.

The River Walk is also lined with restaurants that offer contemporary American cuisine, Mexican dishes, and a lot more such as Biga’s, Las Canarias and La Margarita’s. If you love barbecues then you got to take advantage of what Texas has to offer, There are places there that offer family friendly barbecue joint, like the one founded by Tony Talanco. For those who would like to take part of the party scene you would be glad to know that San Antonio has its fair share of local bars. Those who are longing to be entertained can have their choice among wine bars, disco clubs, adult bars and other music venues. If you want to hang around in a neighborhood type of bar where you and your friends can chat, drink and dine at the same time San Antonio has a lot of these to offer. It is said that Texas produces the top premium wines in the country.

Still if you are one of those people who love extreme adventures, San Antonio, Texas has them too. You can ask for a tour of the city through the helicopter or by parachuting. San Antonio also has its trails and waterways that are safe and yet perfect enough for an adventure ride. If you want to impress your partner you can hire a horse drawn carriage to ride around the park. As for accommodations San Antonio has its fair share of hotels, vacation homes, cabins and other types of accommodations. If you are on a budget San Antonio has offers hotel packages where you got to save some money that you can use to buy souvenirs to take home with you as an evidence of your enjoyable and adventurous moments with friends or love ones in this historical city in Texas.