NASA Inspires Citizen Scientists For August 21 Eclipse


This August 21 if you are in North America, you will experience an eclipse and with this NASA has come up to encourage all who are show interest in watching.

The space agency is looking ahead participation of common people in a science project and to become eclipse scientists.

The so-called citizen scientists need to download a free GLOBE Observer app to take part in the NASA project. Registration is mandatory there and participants will be guided how to record the eclipse observations.

The data is automatically placed onto an interactive map by the app to help others view the contributions.

Deputy coordinator for the project Kristen Weaver said, “No matter where you are in North America, whether it’s cloudy, clear or rainy, NASA wants as many people to help with this citizen science project.”

The agency added it will benefit from the plethora of data and the project will also democratize scientific observation apart from exciting common people about what they are capable of.

Readers and eclipse observers can follow the project on Twitter @NASAGo.

Meanwhile, has also come up with a Eclipse Safari app. It is free and made available on Android and iOS.

Interested people can also check the same of the official website of