Proven Tips To Master Presence On Instagram


Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social networks with 700 million active users in its journey of just six and a half years. It is a simple photo and video sharing app. Below are some proven tips how to master your presence on it:

Sharing photos on Instagram offers options of filtering those with filters like Hudson, Lo-Fi and Clarendon. Don’t completely rely on the filters and do some manual editing too like tweaking brightness, contrast and warmth. You can sharpen the pictures too.

Try out some other apps which works with Instagram like VSCO, Facetune and SKRWT to polish the photos with customized filters and many more feature before sharing on Instagram.

Use Instagram own apps too like Layout, Boomerang and Hyperlapse. Experimenting with these may help you further polish the photos.

Don’t forget to use hashtags if you want to reach to more people. Without hashtag only your followers will be able to see your photos.

You can even broadcast live video on Instagram. This is a good feature and easy to launch too. Some of your friends will get notification too about you have started broadcasting. Just remember, you won’t be able to get the video after the broadcast is finished. However, you can save it on your phone.

Last but not the least, use a better camera for Instagram photos and videos. You will thereafter stand out in the crowd.